Thursday 2 December 2010

Nov 15–21 Sarah’s Back!

First, let me apologise for this post being so late – the Christmas Rush is upon us. Not to mention reading bits about blogging and it says not to write more than 500 words as it is difficult to keep people’s attention – so if you feel the long blogs are great let me know if not will happily cut it down!

So Sarah got back! yeah! I miss her so much when she is gone. Not to mention the fact that I get only half of my work done when she is not here and I have to talk with clients, which, believe you me, they seem to dislike more than I do! But really, looking forward to having her having her back in studio.

The week started off with invoices to chase. Why is it you do work for clients quickly and have to turn around and beg them to pay. I did threaten one client that I would write a blog about the hell we have had with them and name them and the outstanding invoices and all the work we did. Needless to say, once that was suggested they paid pretty quickly.

We started the week with a small, last minute job for The Spectator. Did that, had it proof read and send back quickly and then it was on to planning for the week.

I spend Monday afternoon prepping for a 3 hour Lecture-Demo I give, usually to university students, on the history of the alphabet from 500BC to the present. Had a meeting with the BRILLAINT Alyson Hurst at GFSmith and some of the colleagues. I love those guys so much!

Tuesday morning saw me heading off to Birmingham to Birmingham City University to teach so this Demo-Lec. left home at 7am and was in BrummyLand 9. Got a coffee with Colette Jeffrey (Graphic Design Lecturer) and set up. It took about 30 minutes to set up which was good as it was being recorded. So once that is available will post it. The talk went well, was dead tired and had to rush back to London after. Fortunately Sarah was in studio dealing with all that need to be done, and so were Angelo and Nicola.

Wednesday saw me frustrated with the tubes again – it just seems to work wrong when you leave home to get in early. Spoke with Claire at GSP! So lovely to deal with! Steffi at Specific Media also called about writing some of Santa’s Letters – right, me, and elf! Great! Completed the Jo Malone Job for the beautiful Jess and had the surprise of the week – my Tabriz Roll arrived. The buzzer rang and I opened the door and there was Alyson Hurst with the roll, I nearly fell overP1060476 P1060478

Of course I had to play with the colour! Folded this up and posted it to Yves (see below for the envelope it went it, i.e. last week)

Thursday saw me being filmed in the studio by a crew from the British Museum. The little clip was on writing Egyptian hieroglyphs – the cursive form used in the Book of the Dead. This will be posted later too!

Friday saw Angelo and I doing some more moving and fixing of the studio. So up went the shelves on the stairwell. This will give you an idea of the books in studio.P1060481P1060485P1060486P1060482P1060483P1060484

And here are only the books on manuscripts, palaeography, 16th – 19th century scripts and catalogues of manuscripts on sale at Sothebys, Christies and Maggs Bros. I did this for ease of access for research. And this is what the stairway looked like in the end


I had to clean the carpet too!

Came in on the weekend as Alistair was in Derbyshire – and went crazy tidying up the myriad of pens in the studio as well. A few weeks ago, Ali picked up 4 CD Racks and this is what I did with one of them.


There was other work on as well but the tidying up of the studio was what really made my week!


  1. wow!!! Busy Week!!! Glad you had time to post.


  2. Long blogs are great! I love reading about what you're up to! :-)

  3. Thanks for letting me know Heather (and thanks for the Christmas card) and Katherine. Just did the last 4 weeks - my how time flies. Went to Shropshire and did them on the train. That gives me an idea!
