Wednesday 29 December 2010

Dec 13th - 17th

The run up to Christmas is not fun. So many last minute requests.

I forgot to post the images of the books for Benefit Cosmetics – problem with books is they need so much space to dry.



And of course the St James’s Place menus. I have been doing this job every year for the last 10 years now. When they start arriving I know it is the end of the year! The event is in January so it is guaranteed work in a slow month.

What am I saying, January is not slow, it is run up to the Designer Wedding Show, and a Wedding Fayre at Dartmoor House, 37 Charles Street, London W1J 5ED – drop by for a chat and some calligraphy! 11am till 4 pm.

P1060589This week also saw some more place cards being sent off to the Mandarin Oriental. it is great that Angelo is so good at proof reading as well!

Here he is checking the spelling. As he is also training as a scribe he will sometimes tell us off for shoddy lettering.

Precision is not only in the spelling .



Javier and Tony at By Appointment Only Design asked me to do some signs for their shop and seeing them this evening, Monday, so did them and set them out to dry!

I did some signs for them before and they are always commented on in the shop. Also, it is fun that they let me do what I want so I can get to play with different designs, colours and the like.

They needed a little sign for Peggy Porschen’s Cakes in the shop as well but it is really the capturing of their flowers that makes me want to try something floral in the lettering.



We have an interesting job I have been asked to come up with a complex design for so I have been doing research – I LOVE my library!

Unfortunately I can’t discuss the job, not only because it is the beginning stages but we don’t have it yet, and as Trinidadians say ‘I would not like to put goat mouth’ on it!


Antonia Voss’ job arrived all well and good to – she is so great to deal with. Work on time, if not cost goes up and it is paid post haste. Of course our first call on a job leaving us in peals of laughter. She is just great! Copperplate on the invitations and envelopes too.




Thursday saw us wrapping up a Certificate of Marriage for Mark Niemierko. I decided to use a sunk plate border for this one and not a drawn line.

It really is something special these certificates and I do have fun doing them.


We ended the week with a small job for Dior which was done in a one day turn around. It is great that our clients know we can turn around work so quickly. More importantly, that they know it costs more and are willing to pay for that service. And to think I was so against it!


P1060614The last thing to leave the studio was a poem for a client. Something that needed to small enough to fit an A4 frame but both legible and handwritten as well and having both a masculine and feminine feel! I know!

I opted for our Small Caps as they are clear and masculine, with large Copperplate Drop Caps for the decorative, feminine element.

I had a little bit of fun with this and the client loved it.


My sister, Charissa, is 30 tomorrow! I did not send a card :-( but will send her something stunning in the new year.

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