Friday 17 December 2010

Dec 4th & 5th


Decided to do Saturday and Sunday as a separate entry to show, more to myself than anyone else, that these two days should really be a days out of the week.

Saturday saw me up bright and early to get all my stuff together to take to the British Museum to teach the workshop on Cursive Hieroglyphs. There were about 20 attendees from people who had no experience of Egyptian hieroglyphs to lecturers and PhD students in Egyptology. I got there early enough to set up, get copies, Cut lignin paper and stick it up on the wall and put my tools out. I had the chance to chat with attendees whilst setting up so that gave me a good reference point.


The class was really engaging and provided a lot of information on issues that participants had with writing the script, from using a pencil for monoline structures to moving unto double pencils in preparation for using a square cut reed. We mixed up some gouache for practise as they were all intended to produce a few columns of book of the dead on papyrus.

After setting up everyone to get on with their sheets, I sat down to do my own piece of the Book of the Dead using a rush cut much smaller than the reeds the class were working with.

I was so tired at the end of the class but everyone took the time to come up to say thanks and how much they enjoyed it. And of course the obligatory ‘when is the book going to be out’ was asked! If only time would allow.


Sunday saw me coming into the studio at noon to work till 7pm. Sophie’s seating cards for the British Fashion Council arrived all well and good on Friday and as all the names need to be in the same hand as they were all being put out on one table it was left to me to do them. It took 8 hours to do them all. Left them, with their list in alphabetical order, on the, now lower, proof reading table for Angelo to check on Monday. Printed off the list in table order and left it ready for us to work on tomorrow. I decided to split the list up with Keiko, Nicola and myself. That way we could all get them ready by the end of the day.

Sunday also saw me prepping for the week as Sarah would not be in. There was about 6 jobs coming in. Lists had arrived but of course, it is better to wait till the stationery is actually in studio to merge list and print them off as additions are always something to consider.

I spent some time tidying up the studio in anticipation for the filming with VideoJug, on Thursday.

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